Jo Salkilld

Theatre Arts Consultant

Jo Salkilld is an independent Arts Consultant, specialising in Governance, Finance and New Company formation.

Jo graduated with a B.A Hons. in Drama and a postgraduate Diploma in Stage Management. She then spent a decade and a half working in Stage Management and Technical Theatre for a variety of repertory theatres and touring companies including Watford Palace Theatre, York Theatre Royal and the Magnificent Theatre Company.

In 1998, Jo moved into Arts Managment, working for Shared Experience Theatre and a number of NPOs, including Wildcard Theatre Company, Quicksilver Theatre and Trestle Theatre. During this time she produced over twenty touring productions, consolidated and improved the financial position of three organisations, and contributed to the opening of two new arts venues. She also spent six years as a Trustee of Queen's Park Arts Centre.

In 2010, Jo became a freelance Arts Consultant and is especially interested in supporting innovative companies, mentoring talented individuals and in strengthening the Arts sector as a whole. She is also Finance Director of New Diorama Theatre.